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Breast Cancer During Pregnancy

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Maternal and Fetal Outcomes

Elyce Cardonick, MD,* Rebecca Dougherty, MD,† Generosa Grana, MD,‡ Dzhamlaa Gilmandyar, MD,§ Sadia Ghaffar, MD,¶ and Aniqa Usmani, MD

Cancer can complicate pregnancy, occurring in 1 per 1000 pregnancies, with 3500 cases estimated annually. Breast cancer is the most common malignancy occurring during pregnancy. Because more women delay childbearing to later maternal ages, the diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy will likely increase. In addition, delayed first birth is itself a risk factor for breast cancer. Newly found breast masses discovered during pregnancy should not be attributed to normal physiologic changes of pregnancy or delay in diagnosis may occur. Ultrasound and mammography can be safely used to investigate any palpable mass in the breast or axilla,1 and at any gestational age, biopsies can be safely performed.

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